Start Strong 2024 with Magnus Lygdback
Happy New Year! I hope 2024 has gotten off to a fantastic start for you, complete with all the enthusiasm that a new year can bring! For many of us, a new year is a fresh beginning and an opportunity to make some much needed changes. Whether it’s balancing your budget or balancing the scale, this is a great time to seize the day, set some goals, and reshape your lifestyle!
In the spirit of change, I’m going to jump into yet another diet and fitness regimen, giving you an up-close-and-personal look at the ins and outs of a promising plan that claims to help you shed body fat and gain lean muscle. As always, you’ll get my honest opinions both as a dietitian and as a regular ole’ human being.

Ready to dive in with me? This month I will be committing to Magnus Lygdback’s Start Strong 2024 Challenge. A trainer and lifestyle coach, Lygdback has made a name for himself training celebrities and helping them transform their bodies for the superhero and heroine roles they play on the big screen. Not planning on walking the red carpet anytime soon? He’s got you covered, too! He is serious about healthy eating, balanced nutrition, and training regimens that build strong and lean physiques, no matter your walk of life.