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Tag: weight training

Workout Blunders that Hinder Weight Loss

Workout Blunders that Hinder Weight Loss

weight loss exercise

Is your workout standing in the way of your weight loss goals? Though diet and exercise might go together like Batman and Robin, I have shocking news for you. Despite everything you’ve ever heard or read, one inconvenient truth remains. Physical activity is not always associated with weight loss. While exercise certainly does burn calories and can help with creating that calorie deficit, breaking a sweat is no guarantee that the scale will move. Why is that, you ask? Today I’m sharing with you some of the sneaky ways your workout might be hindering your weight loss goals. We’ll take a look at 7 common workout blunders and more importantly, what you can do to get the most out of your sweat sessions–whether you’re under the bar or on the scale.

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Sports Nutrition for Peak Performance

Sports Nutrition for Peak Performance

sports nutrition

When it comes to nutrition for sports and performance, many athletes and active individuals behave as though they’re cramming for an exam. Having neglected a balanced diet, they assume that buying the right protein bar or sports drink will somehow compensate for their otherwise poor choices.  Don’t let all of your hard work go to waste!  Invest the time and effort in a nutritious diet and you will certainly earn back some serious dividends both in your health and in your performance.  With these sports nutrition tips, you can make every bite and every workout count!

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Intermittent Fasting: Day 6

Intermittent Fasting: Day 6

Second 24-hour fast day–let’s do this!

I decided to start my day with a super-charged cup of joe famously known as Bulletproof Coffee. Have you heard of this? Popularized by keto folks, this is not your regular cuppa. Though the recipes vary a bit, Bulletproof Coffee is essentially a cup of strong coffee that’s been blended with heavy cream, clarified butter, coconut oil, and MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) oil, or any combination thereof. While it is not low in calories by any means, it does check the boxes for those following a liquid and/or fat fast and is meant to get someone through those challenging days when your regular java just won’t cut it.

In honor of June’s Diet of the Month, The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting by Jason Fung, MD and Jimmy Moore, I decided to test out the version found in their recipe section, which combines 1 cup of coffee with 1-2 tablespoons heavy cream, 1-2 tablespoons butter or ghee (clarified butter), and 1-2 tablespoons coconut oil. I went with the lesser amount of each of those high-fat additions, gave it a good whisking with my Aerolatte, and took a swig.

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