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Tag: 2000 Calorie Plan

Chuck’s Meal Plan for Weight Loss

Chuck’s Meal Plan for Weight Loss

Welcome back to The Diet Oracle! Today we’re continuing our latest installment of A Plan for Success. In this series, I want to show you how everyday people can make weight loss a reality, no matter their situation! With personalized strategies and custom meal planning, change is possible for anyone. Whether you want to improve the way you eat, lose weight, or get in shape, a plan that is perfectly tailored to your needs will ensure you reach your goals! Today, we’re going to create a weight loss meal plan for men that’s perfect for busy dads.

In this latest installment, we’ve been working with Chuck, our busy family man who’s come to the realization that his ole’ bod ain’t what it used to be. Though he used to dominate the field back in the glory days, a recent alumni game left him gassed and useless to his teammates. Ultimately, he’d like to lose 30 pounds, get back in shape, and reclaim some of his old stamina. Chuck wants results and he’s ready to make the changes that will bring back his A Game.

In the last post, we talked about the strategies that would help Chuck get more regular with his meals, make better choices when eating out, get those portions under control, and rein in his weekend nosh fest. Today, we’re going to get specific and create a weight loss meal plan for men that puts all the pieces together and delivers results!

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