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Tag: Taking Inventory

Turning Failure into Success

Turning Failure into Success

Over the past week, we’ve been discussing how you can use your past weight loss experiences to your advantage.  If you’ve been following along, you should now have some clear (or at least somewhat less fuzzy) strategies to work into your new diet plan, strategies that are just right for you.  Not only have you made note of what worked really well for you, but you should also have a handy little list of what bombed.

Today we’re going to wrap up this segment with the last piece of the puzzle.  Now that you’ve had the chance to take that little walk down memory lane and relive some of your previous weight loss efforts, let’s discuss the final question on our list. 

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Any attempt to change an ingrained habit is no doubt going to be difficult. After all, some habits–like eating–we’ve had since birth! And with each passing birthday, these behaviors can truly become second nature. Just like the saying goes: Old habits die hard.

So taking into consideration that we are not only creatures of habit, but also live in a world that we can’t always control, it is only natural that we’ll be faced with obstacles when attempting to make serious changes. As I’ve said before, if weight loss was easy, the diet industry wouldn’t be the multi-billion dollar industry that it is!

With all that in mind, let’s look at that third question on our list:

When you’ve tried to lose weight in the past, what obstacles seemed to pop up, time and time again? 

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So often when set our sights on a particular goal, it is easy to be swept up by visions of victory and success. This can be a powerful motivator, but if you’re not realistic about the challenges that lie ahead, a simple stumble can leave you feeling deflated and discouraged. No doubt if you have attempted weight loss in the past, you have felt these low moments when things didn’t go quite as planned.

Instead of letting history repeat itself, learn from your experience! Take a moment to reflect and consider the next question on our list:

Which aspects of your previous diet attempts were difficult or frustrating?

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Let’s begin with that first question:

Which aspects of previous diets have worked well for you?

If you have attempted to lose weight before, what sort of plan(s) did you use and how did it go? Which strategies seemed to work particularly well for you? Everyone is different. While some flourish with a bit of structure, rigid meal plans send others pint-diving.  Take a moment and jot down what kept you motivated and gave you the results you were looking for. Examples might include regular meals, flexible or highly structured meal plans, food journaling, weekly weigh-ins, accountability, support groups, recipe ideas, filling meals, enlisting a buddy, and more. 

As you begin (or continue!) your weight loss journey, find ways to incorporate this list into whatever eating plan you choose. Doing so allows you to create a diet that is tailored to your life and your needs…a weight loss plan that is perfect for you.

Getting Started

Getting Started

Welcome to The Diet Oracle! I’m glad you’re here and am excited to begin a blog that’s wholly devoted to helping others lose weight!

As I get the ball rolling on my own blogging endeavor, this would be the perfect time to chat about what to consider as you ponder a weight loss plan.

Before picking any sort of diet or eating plan, I would encourage you to take a little walk down memory lane. Odds have it, if you are in the midst of a weight loss battle, this is not your first campaign.  Instead of re-living mistakes and adding to your frustration, take a few minutes to reflect on previous weight loss attempts.  By asking yourself a few simple questions, you can make the most of helpful strategies all the while avoiding familiar pitfalls.

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