Coming soon!
Upcoming Feature: Diet of the Month
The longer I’ve worked as a dietitian, the more obvious it’s become that there is no single diet that works for everyone. Even setting medical needs aside, eating habits and food preferences vary so much from person to person. This is why, despite what a given diet may claim, there really is no “right way” to lose weight. Of course, some diets live up to their promises, while others do not. But when the rubber meets the road, there are just any number of ways to craft an effective weight loss plan.
In an effort to help you successfully lose weight on any diet, I am bringing you a new monthly feature here at The Diet Oracle called Diet of the Month.
Each month I will be tackling a new popular diet. It might be the latest and greatest wonder or perhaps one that’s been around for awhile. As opposed to a quick review that merely gives you a brief run down of what the diet entails, I will be taking an entire month to discuss not only the nuts and bolts, but also how to get the best results. To do this, I will be jumping into the shoes of the average person and following the diet for an entire week. That’s right. I’ll be your own personal guinea pig. I’ll follow the eating plan. I’ll dutifully time my meals. I’ll try the recipes. I’ll log every bite. And as I experience what the diet has to offer firsthand, you’ll get a front row seat to the good, the bad, and the ugly.
My goal is to help you be successful on any diet. If you’ve been trying to figure out the best way to reach your own weight loss goals, then just stay tuned! More details are on the way, including which weight loss plan will be the very first Diet of the Month!