Welcome to 2020!

Welcome to 2020!

Happy New Year and welcome back to The Diet Oracle! I hope you had a blessed holiday season wherever you call home. We had a wonderful Christmas and even managed to get out NYE, so I’d call that a roaring success! With four boys between the ages of 2 and 10, life continues to be full to overflowing and the years just seem to be whipping by at an astonishing rate. I don’t know about you, but I can hardly believe we’ve just jumped into 2020!

For a lot of folks, a new year means new resolutions. We all need a fresh start now and then and it’s hard to beat January 1, no? So what’s on your list? Do you have any big goals for the new year? The new DECADE? Yikes. That makes it sound serious, now doesn’t it?

While the new year can seem like the perfect time to shake things up and make some worthwhile changes, just remember that everyday is an opportunity for a fresh start. Heck, if you’re trying to lose weight, each MEAL is a chance to make better choices! Though embracing the hope and enthusiasm a new year brings can give you a powerful kickstart, know that everyday offers you the chance to make changes and get closer to reaching your goals. If your goal is worth it, don’t give up! When you fall and take a header off that horse (and trust me, at some point you will), don’t wait for a new year to grab those reins and get back in the saddle. Don’t even wait until next month or next week! Seize the day and chase down your goals. You can do it!

Whatever your goals may be for 2020, I wish you a year of success and look forward to sharing with you some solid strategies and practical tips to help you along the way! As always, thanks for reading and happy New Year!

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