A Plan For Success: Jane’s Battle Plan
So let’s get something going for our friend, Jane. She’s finally ready and committed to making some changes and just needs a solid action plan that will deliver results.
As you may recall from the last post, Jane has some leftover baby weight that she’d like to lose before an upcoming family vacation. She’d also like to get back in shape. Taking a closer look at the numbers, Jane is hoping to drop about 25 pounds in the next 3 months. Breaking this down further, she would need to lose approximately 2 pounds per week to reach her goal. Though this may not seem like much, creating a calorie deficit of 1000 calories per day will require consistency and commitment. She needs a battle plan.
Knowing that Jane is super busy and doesn’t want to be eating a different menu than the rest of the family, here are a few strategies that will ensure she’s creating that calorie deficit without demanding too much of her time and energy.
- Take time on the weekends to do a little meal planning for the week. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but figuring out your meals ahead of time and shopping accordingly can make all the difference between success and failure.
- Do some advance meal prep and cooking, if possible. Baking chicken for Monday night dinner? Do a double batch and save the extra for another meal. Sandwiches on the lunch menu? Make enough for a couple days to save time later in the week. And of course, washing and prepping veggies all at once gives you a fridge full of ready-to-eat snacks and ingredients. Most kids love helping in the kitchen and this is a great way to get them involved!
- Eat breakfast everyday! Though eating more may seem counterintuitive, eating breakfast can really help keep hunger at bay and prevent overeating later in the day.
- Cut back on (or cut out!) any sugary drinks, like juices, sports drinks, regular soda, sweet tea, coffee drinks, and the like. Assuming Jane was downing a glass of juice each morning and grabbing a grande Frappuccino or latte most afternoons, cutting these out would save her at least 400 calories per day!
- Avoid afternoon grazing. While I heartily encourage a balanced, nutritious snack in the afternoon, mindless noshing can really blow the calorie budget. Just think, a handful of chips, baby’s leftover animal crackers, and half a Costco muffin can quickly add up to over 500 calories!
- Regardless of what’s on the dinner menu, reducing your portion size is an easy way to cut back without any extra effort in the kitchen. Begin with a big serving of veggies and good source of protein, then focus on reducing starches and added fats bit by bit. This can be done with measuring cups or by simply taking fewer scoops with the serving utensil. Using smaller plates is another helpful tactic. Either way, be purposeful. By skipping the bread and butter and taking one less scoop of the mac and cheese at dinner, Jane could easily save 350 calories!
- The benefits of exercise extend far beyond burning calories. Improving strength and cardiovascular fitness will not only give Jane the muscle power and stamina life demands, but also enhance her health and longevity. Scheduling exercise and training as one would an appointment is a great way to make sure it doesn’t slip through the cracks. As a busy wife and mom, Jane will need look at her week and identify the best time to squeeze in a class, hit the gym, pop in a workout DVD, or get outside.
Notice that all of the above action steps, when taken together, would enable Jane to reduce her intake by over 1200 calories without any extra cooking or special menus! She still gets to eat what the rest of the family is eating and enjoy her favorite foods. By cutting back on empty calories, mindless munching, and large portions, she can lose the weight and reach her goals her way. And, if she gets in at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise most days, she’ll also increase her calorie burn and regain her fitness. This is truly a winning plan that’s just right for Jane!
Though having a set of guiding principles is incredibly helpful when you’re trying to lose weight, sometimes you just need a clear “to do” list. Something that’s easy to follow and takes out all the guesswork. In the next post, I’ll be sharing just that! We’ll take a look at a sample meal plan designed just for Jane that will fit with her lifestyle and deliver the results she’s looking for. As always, thanks for reading and don’t give up on your goals!